What are your assets worth? At OVBA, our brokerage deals are not only certified, but so are our machinery and equipment appraisals. We have a Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser (CMEA) designation so that all the appraisals we provide are certified.

Why Use A CMEA?
We know that the value of your company’s assets, of your machinery and of your equipment can effect many important decisions. Why risk having an appraisal done by someone who is not a certified professional? Just like jewelers appraise jewelry and coin dealers appraise coins, let certified machinery and equipment appraisers appraise your machinery and equipment.
There are many reasons why we might be called in to provide professional asset appraisal. Some of the most frequent examples include:
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Divorce Settlements
- Estate Settlements
- Foreclosures
- Partnership Dissolution
- Insurance Purposes
- Litigation Support
- Buy Out Agreements
- Gift Estate Planning
- Trust and Retirement Planning
- Tax Discrepancies
Who Are Our Clients?
The majority of our clients tend to be manufacturers however we are certified and capable of appraising machinery and equipment in most all industries. We’ve worked with, for example:
- Asphalt Manufacturers
- Bankers
- Ceramic Manufacturers
- Industrial Glass Manufacturers
- Ink Cartridge Manufacturers
- Machine Shops
- Plastic Manufacturers
- Railroad Switch Gear Manufacturers